May 25·edited May 25Liked by Wrath James White

"I will never forget how Brian Keene got so much shit after Trump was elected when he suggested we turn our outrage into art like we did in the 60s, 70s, and 80s."

I'll never forget, either. Each and every one of those people can fuck off into the sun. (Except for Tim in the comment above, who has a fair response/explanation). ;-)

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Jun 1Liked by Wrath James White

Spot on! You’re a good man, Mr. Wrath! My 80s/90s custom tapes were full of rap, punk, and hardcore: same message, different beat.

I think a lot of the issue is that people are worried about upsetting others, so they become complacent in patterns of safe apathy.

Side note: I heard a rumor that The Coup will drop a new record in 2025!

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I do feel like a lot of us are silenced by fear and apathy, especially apathy. I'm sad to admit that I didn't notice this until you pointed it out in this amazing post. Is it too late to heed Brian's call?

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It's never too late.

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You're right! Thank you so much for your encouragement and positivity!!

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Right on, as they used to say back in my day.

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I was one of the people who gave Brian shit for that. I didn't say it outright to him but he saw it. I like Brian but that month I was way too raw to deal with any recommendations for how to deal with feeling like the bottom just dropped out.

Oddly enough I think I have followed the advice. I've been writing stories that take place in a future America that's fractured and in the midst of several civil wars and independence movements with one of the major events being the invasion and mass murder of everyone in Dayton, Ohio (based on the end of the Book of Genesis)

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Yes, yes, and yes!!!

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